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Vatra, voda i trava

Kada se izvadi iz kalupa, svaka vaza se iseče na drugačiji način pa se njihovim grupisanjem kreiraju kompozicije. U centru pažnje su odnosi koji se stvaraju preklapanjem odsečenih ivica između vaza. Kada se posmatrač pomera, menjaju se odnosi između ivica vaza i cela kompozicija daje utisak dinamičnosti.

Voda vatra i trava su momenti opuštanja koje obično doživimo kada smo pored reke, vatre ili kada ležimo na travi.

Fire, Water and Grass

Created from the mold every vase was treated in a different manner and then grouped in a composition. The most interesting were the overlapping lines between vases. As a viewer shift position the relation between vases changes and gives a notion of a movement to the work.

My intention was to evoke peaceful moments one usually feel when looking at the surface of the river, sitting by the fire or laying in the grass.

Ukiliko imate bilo kakva pitanja u vezi mog rada, slobodno me kontaktirajte.
Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss a possible project or learn more about my work.

© 2017 by Tijana Djordjevic.

Proudly created with

Tijana Đorđević
Keramički studio TIKILI
Čubrina 10,11000 Beograd, Serbia
+381 65 2624088
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